Getting Ready for DORA: Preparing Financial Institutions for Digital Resilience

Emily Davidson

By Emily Davidson

19 January 2024

Getting Ready for DORA: Preparing Financial Institutions for Digital Resilience

As it is less than 1 year until the implementation of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) in the UK's financial sector, it's time for financial institutions to gear up for the upcoming changes. This countdown isn't just about marking time; it's a chance for banks and financial organisations to get ready for DORA. Let's explore what they can do to prepare. 

Understand Digital Risks: 

  • Identify and assess potential digital threats to systems and transactions. 
  • Prioritise risks based on their potential impact. 

Strengthen Cybersecurity: 

  • Upgrade existing cybersecurity measures to meet DORA's requirements. 
  • Use advanced technologies to detect and respond to cyber threats effectively. 

Practice Incident Response: 

  • Simulate different digital scenarios to test how the organisation responds. 
  • Regularly practice incident response plans to ensure a swift reaction to disruptions. 

Manage Third-Party Risks: 

  • Evaluate the resilience of external service providers. 
  • Ensure contracts with third parties outline operational resilience standards. 

Report Incidents Promptly: 

  • Establish clear procedures for reporting incidents to relevant authorities. 
  • Train employees on the importance of timely and accurate incident reporting. 

Collaborate with Peers: 

  • Share insights and best practices with other financial institutions. 
  • Work closely with regulatory bodies to stay informed about standards. 

Upgrade Technology: 

  • Invest in robust and scalable technology for secure digital operations. 
  • Use automation to improve efficiency in risk management and incident response. 

Train Employees: 

  • Educate employees on DORA's provisions and their roles in maintaining digital resilience. 
  • Foster a culture of cybersecurity and responsible digital practices. 

As we count down to DORA, financial institutions have a valuable opportunity to strengthen their digital defences. By understanding risks, upgrading cybersecurity, practising incident response, managing third parties, collaborating, investing in technology, and prioritising employee awareness, they can confidently navigate the complexities of DORA. With proactive preparation, a resilient and secure financial landscape awaits on 17th January 2025.

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