Modernising Data Storage: A necessity for today’s infrastructure.


By Abikaye

15 April 2024
Modernising Data Storage: A necessity for today’s infrastructure.

In an era where technology evolves at speed, the need to modernise IT infrastructure is imperative. As businesses continue to be inundated with data that is critical to operations, the traditional approach to data storage, security and management no longer suffices.  

The modernisation movement 

Nowadays, companies are looking for new and innovative ways to store and manage their data that can support the rapid pace of technological advancement in the digital-first era. IT leaders are driven by the need for more efficient, secure, and scalable storage solutions. Data and IT infrastructure are continuously growing, so the pressure to accelerate operations and demand for modern solutions increases.  

Ideal data storage technology 

A business’ data storage solution can positively or negatively impact business efficiency, application performance and user experience so when reviewing data storage options, there are a lot of factors to consider, including the right infrastructure performance tier, price point, availability and resiliency level.  

ESG believe the following to be key considerations for storage environments in the digital age:  

  1. Integrated Automation: Automation is key in modern storage, reducing manual tasks and streamlining operations. 
  1. Enhanced Security: With cyber threats on the rise, storage needs to protect the availability and integrity of the data and operations.  
  1. Multi-cloud/location Flexibility: Storage should be designed for distributed, multi-cloud environments to offer control and mobility across various platforms.

The truth is, that without modernising data storage, businesses risk falling behind. Embracing this change will mean a business is better positioned to thrive in the digital era.  Dell Technologies Continuously Modern Storage range is a software-driven storage portfolio that can help your business keep up and keep you ahead.

For a more detailed exploration, the full ESG white paper offers an in-depth look at modern data storage and the different components of Dell Technologies continuously modern storage solution. Download it here.

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