Why it’s essential for businesses to have both Cyber Defence & Recovery Strategies in place

Callum Nixon

By Callum Nixon

19 October 2022

In our new digital economy, most businesses rely on their data to be present all the time. It's not surprising that, according to the World Economic Forum, IT infrastructure breakdowns and cyber security failure are now two of the biggest global risks facing business leaders these days. It sits alongside the more existential threats of environmental damage, natural weather disasters, and another global pandemic. Presently, several enterprises are challenged by how to effectively build cyber resiliency.

In this article, we will take a look at the importance of building cyber resiliency and having disaster recovery solutions in place.

Why it’s essential for businesses to have both Cyber Defence & Recovery Strategies in place

Importance of Cyber Security and Disaster Recovery solutions

According to a Cyber Security Breaches Survey published in 2021, 39% of businesses and 26% of charities in the UK experienced a cyberattack.

Another survey also revealed that a third of small businesses in the UK are endangering their online safety by working at or below the "security poverty line." The most common types of criminal cyber activity were impersonating organisations online and sending fraudulent emails. In fact, the Internet Security and Threat Report stated that malicious emails were also found to be the most common type of cyberattack.


Every element within a company's ecosystem faces the real danger of a major data breach, from customers and remote employees to its IoT devices. Obviously, disaster recovery solutions need to be at the foundation of every organisation's cyber defence strategy and integral to every business process.


As per a report published in the Denver Post, more than 50% of small businesses close within six months of devastating cyber attacks. Businesses that do survive lose hundreds of thousands to lost time, negative press, and their recovery.

The consequences of cybercrime are quite costly. In fact, the average cost of a data breach increased to around £3.03 million per incident in 2021 all over the globe, according to a report published by IT Pro.

Rather than hoping your business won't become a victim, you can prepare to recover quickly by having managed disaster recovery solutions in place and minimising losses.


Cyber security is a vital element of an organisation's business continuity plan. Therefore, processes and policies relating to the core technologies and the protection of sensitive data need to be considered. It is extremely important to incorporate standards for identifying, managing, and minimising cyber risks in business continuity planning. This leads to better collaboration across departments and ensures that organisations have a plan to respond to potential cyber-attacks.

IT managed services to boost cyber resiliency

At Celerity, we offer comprehensive IT managed services to ensure your business stays safe from cyber-attacks; whether that's preventing the attacks or providing disaster recovery solutions to ensure you bounce back with minimal downtime.

For more information on managed backup, threat detection, and vulnerability scanning, contact us today!

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